About Us
Our Story
EDEX SYSTEMS is an engineering specialties focuses on developing aircraft telemetry systems and electronics for military aircraft, space rockets, satellites and defense industries. Established in 1992 by professionals with solid background in engineering, maintenance and operations of aircraft on-board electronics and telemetry systems, Edex provides leading-edge solutions in aerospace and defense industries.
- 원격측정시스템의 통합
- 국방 전자제품 유통
- 항공기의 홍보 및 유통
- 엔지니어링 컨설팅 및 유지보수 서비스
EDEX System 소개
Edex systems is an engineering specialties focuses on developing aircraft telemetry systems and electronics for military aircraft, space rockets, satellites and defense industries. Established in 1992 by professionals with solid background in engineering, maintenance and operations of aircraft on-board electronics and telemetry systems, Edex provides leading-edge solutions in aerospace and defense industries.
원격측정시스템의 통합
국방 전자제품 유통
Edex systems has been appointed as authorized distributor and sales representative for major defense industries worldwide including Honeywell Int’l, L3 Com, Esterline, Goodrich Aerospace, Harris Corp, Esterline Corp. Kollsman, Curtiss-Wright, CMC Electronics – Canada, DIEHL Aerospace-Germany, Schlumberger Industries – UK, and Zodiac Aerospace –France for over 25 years.
They offer products in Telemetry Systems, Aircraft Programs, and Defense Programs.